安 能 合 作 伙 伴 信 息 表
Personal data
1、个人信息: No:——————
Name of applicant 申请人姓名: |
Gender 性别: |
ID / Passport No. 身份证/护照号码: |
To receive e-mail address 能收到邮件的地址: |
Postcode 邮编: |
Office Phone: (area code) + 办公电话:(区号) + |
Mobile 手机: |
Fax 传真: |
Is now engaged in the industry 现从事行业: |
company data
Company name 1、企业名称: |
Nature of Enterprise 4、企业性质: |
Business Item 2、经营项目: |
Registered capital RMB 5、注册资金: 万元 |
An operator’s license 3、营业执照 |
The total number of 6、人员总数: |
Financial Information
Can independently control the amount of investment RMB 目前可自主支配投资金额: 万元 |
Sources of funding 资金来源: |
The next one year, the projected increase in funding RMB 最近1年内还能增加资金: 万元 |
Sources of funding 资金来源: |
Site conditions (office / warehouse / vehicle)
Office Address 办公地址: |
Officespace M2 办公面积: 平米 |
Storage conditions M2 库房情况: 平米 |
The number of delivery vehicles 送货车数量: |
Investigation of the local vehicle fleet
The amount of car ownership 1、汽车总的保有量: |
Taxi Number 2、出租车数量: |
Number of private cars 3、私家车数量: |
Total passenger vehicle 4、客运车数量: |
Bus Number 5、公交车数量: |
The total long-distance lorries 6、长途货运车数量: |
Local Brand Survey (Please fill out the top three in the local market share, brand and marketing business)
Business name 商家名称 |
Address / Location 地址/位置 |
Main product / service 主营产品/服务 |
The scope of sales volume and sales 销售量及销售范围 |
1、 |
2、 |
3、 |
All information in this table are confidential, everlast company for safekeeping. Meanwhile, the company also retained to verify the authenticity of the information on their rights.Avaya
The applicant (signed and sealed)
申请人(签字盖章): Date ._____年____ 月 ____日